The Victories of Today

Celebrate the victories of today because they are proof God’s best is yet to come
— Erin Patton

I can be so focused on an end goal that I forget to enjoy the moments on the way to said achievement.

Victories happen all around me, but I can get a lazy and apathetic attitude and stop celebrating the progress as if forward movement is a guarantee and thankfulness an optional stop along the way.

It’s not that I am trying to be ungrateful but experiencing how I get when I don’t celebrate the victories of today (no matter how small or insignificant they may seem) has shown me why it is needful.

When I don’t stop to consider and count the victories, I begin to take them for granted and get greedy with expectation that God is going to ensure everything goes the way I want and think it should. Or worse, I lose sight of the details He is fulfilling in the here and now in preparations for the victories of tomorrow. I start complaining about His seeming lack of care and disregard for the urgent matters at hand that I think needed answers to yesterday.

If that sounds like you, join me and together let’s re-shift our focus back on celebrating the victories God accomplished in and through our lives T-O-D-A-Y!

Because friend, if He bothered to fill in the details of our lives yesterday AND today, that means, He which began a good work in us will be faithful to complete what He started and He’s going to do it right on schedule.

That leaves only one job left for us to do; celebrate the victories of today as proof that God’s best is yet to come, and we get a front row seat to watching Him work!

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God’s Better and Best


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