Thursday Tippity Tip: What Makes an Addiction Good or Bad?


When I say that word what are the first things that come to mind? Drinking? Drugs?

Addiction is used to often describe alcohol or drug abuse but did you know addiction covers way more?

Addiction is a kind of devotion; a devotion that constantly requires growth in order for the effects to stay the same.

Here are just some of the things people can be addicted to:

  1. Caffeine

  2. Sugar

  3. Coffee

  4. Fast food (or food in general)

  5. Shopping

  6. Drama (the emotional highs that come from it)

  7. Attention

  8. Depression

  9. Reading books

  10. Social Media

  11. Youtube

  12. TV Shows

  13. Relationships

  14. Porn

  15. Sex

  16. Drugs

  17. Alcohol

  18. Stealing

  19. Lies

  20. Work

  21. Jesus

  22. The Gospel

  23. Hope

  24. Peace

  25. Contentment

  26. Health

  27. Truth

  28. Giving

In that list did you notice addiction is not always overt or bad? You can be addicted to good or bad thoughts, good or bad attitudes, good or bad relating patterns and on it goes.

So what makes an addiction good or bad? It all comes down to the source.

What is the root of your addiction? Holy Spirit or flesh?

Take these questions for example,

  • Are you addicted to cherishing your spouse (or future spouse) or addicted to porn?

  • Are you addicted to drama because it makes you feel “alive” or are you addicted to staying in the peace God gives that passes all understanding?

  • Are you addicted to shopping because it fills a temporary void or are you addicted to giving?

  • Are you addicted to eating whatever you want when you want or are you addicted to self control and limited indulgence?

  • Are you addicted to getting attention or are you addicted to putting all you attention on Jesus?

Think of it this way.

Addiction is a kind of devotion; a devotion that constantly requires growth in order for the effects to stay the same” Addiction says “I care so much about this thing or person I am perusing that my life is literally drawn toward them with a force as strong as an earth magnet. My mind, body and soul are pulled more and more with an affection, desire and pursuit that only grows with every passing day.
— Erin Patton

If the addiction is bad, it stands to figure the growth it requires will only lead to bondage, sorrow and spiritual, emotional and/or physical death. It also stands to figure if the addiction is good, the growth around it will be one that brings freedom, security, and life more abundantly.

You can be addicted to good or bad thoughts, good or bad attitudes, good or bad relating patterns and on it goes

What are you addicted to right now?

What addictions, if any, need to be done away with?

What good things would you like to be addicted to?

It’s time to get addicted to the things that are good, true, lovely, noble, worthy, virtuous, joy filled, other centered and God pleasing!


To Bless and Be Blessed


I’m Thank You’d