Thursday Tippity Tip - How to avoid being deaf, blind, and tasteless in your Relationship with God

Scent to a nose is like visuals to the eyes or sound waves to an ear. Without them, a person becomes handicapped, and desensitized to the aroma, attributes, and aurality of life. Perhaps that is why God is so keen on us experiencing a life permeated with the sweet fragrance of His presence, seeing his magnificent handiwork in detail most people miss and hearing his still small voice
— Erin P

Practicing skills that strengthen our spiritual noses, eyes, and ears is the only way to keep from missing out in our relationship with God and avoid becoming handicapped Christians.

If you want to hear God’s voice, practice being still and listening after reading the Scriptures

If you want to smell the aroma of his presence, linger with him longer than just a few minutes

If you want to see His detailed creativity, take the time to stop and discover and appreciate

TTT posts are reserved exclusively for relationship tidbits in the form of a short post or a power thought meant to challenge or encourage or both. Enjoy 😊

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