Past Present Future
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
This verse has mystified me over the years. How could an abstract thing yet to be revealed have substance or evidence?
Like most of life’s questions, God answered this one with various personal demonstrations in my daily walk with Him.
First, He showed my how every day I live by copious amounts of faith. By faith I get up and believe water will come out of the faucet as I brush my teeth. By faith I turn the key in the vehicle ignition and believe it will run. By faith, I walk into in to a store and believe what I need will be there for me.
These are simple, background faith steps I am usually unaware of but He wanted me to go deeper. What of the faith that requires patience because it is based on someone else’s timeline (namely, God’s)? What of the faith that requires persistence when nearly everything (and soon everyone) questions the validity of my belief because again, it is based off someone else’s’ abilities (namely, God’s), not my own?
Those questions lead me where God wanted me to land so that I could finally understand that my faith as a believer spans the centuries, not moments. It is based on the past, lived in the present and is the hope that drives me toward a future.
The breath of life that carried the faith of my very own Creator was breathed into Adam and lives on today in you and me. That means my faith is rooted in God himself, The Alpha and Omega, the God of the past, present, and future.
His character and Godhead are the substance of my faith and His ever present help the evidence of things not seen at work in the now AND set to be released for the future.
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