Thursday Tippity Tip: 5 “Rs” to STOP being a Victim!

We can all be victims. It is an easy default to choose in a moment but more often than not, victim hood is a learned habit of thinking and existing. Here are four ways to STOP being a victim! No matter how you became a victim, you never have to stay one.

  1. Recognize you have a choice - Where there is no choice there is an excuse to never try. Well I’m here to tell you that you have a choice. Today you get to choose not only what you are going to wear but also how you are going to respond to life. Is this always an easy choice? NO! But it is a choice none the less.

  2. Refuse to believe you are a failure - Hopelessness has a way of keeping victims in victim hood and why not? Who wants to try when they believe they are failures from the start? Who wants to begin anything when they believe they are destined to fail no matter what? Believers are given something those who choose not to believe will never have. Victory! In Jesus we are promised a victorious beginning and a victorious end! Our lives, no matter how pathetic or successful are made new by the blood of Jesus who gives us the victory over darkness, sin and death! So what if you have failed? One failure doesn’t permanently remove the choice to get up and be a victorious person. God calls all to have victory in Jesus but not all will heed that call. You have a choice to be a victim or a victor. Who will you choose to be?

  3. Retrain your brain - You are what you think. God knew this long before psychology caught on. God says what to think on in Philippians 4:8. Everything listed in that verse covers all aspects of life from food to family. Retrain your brain to think on the things that are good, lovely, honest, pure and of good report. Stop dragging your brain and thoughts through the mud! It’s time to give your brain and bath and scrub the grub off.

  4. Renew your mind - Filters need constant cleaning and so does you mind. Especially while you are retraining your mind, you will need to “clean your filters” (i.e. your perceptions and perspectives) by daily renewing your mind in the Bible. With so much filth floating around for our minds to get cluttered with, even the strongest and healthiest people get gunk build up. Slower perhaps but build up none the less. God knew this would happen in a fallen world which is why God says we are to meditate on His word (the Bible) all the time so that our minds are renewed and cleansed with truth and good things!

  5. Reach out - We can all be victims which is why I want to remind you that you are not alone! Pray and ask God to bring you a mentor, someone who will challenge you, speak the truth in love, listen, and most of all point you to God. Shame has a way of keeping victims silent and isolated but I’m here to offer you a hand of friendship and hope! There is no shame in reaching out for fellowship and accountability, in fact that shows an incredible measure of courage and humility. I’ve been a victim but when I finally chose to reach out my hand I found hope, healing, grace, fellowship, friendship and so much more!


I’m Thank You’d


Thursday Tippity Tip: How to Be an Ineffective Christian in 7 Easy Steps