The Umbilical Cord Life

This past week one of my daughters made a profound point. It went something like this:

DAUGHTER - Mommy I’ve been thinking…

ME - About what?

DAUGHTER – You know how trees and plants have roots. Well, I was thinking how those roots are like an umbilical cord and if a tree or plant is cut, or I pick a flower, then it’s like their umbilical cord is severed and they eventually die just like a baby would.

During our homeschool time they have been learning about what a baby looks like in the womb and how an umbilical cord is what gives nutrients and food to the growing baby and if the cord is cut the baby will die. Yet God took my one daughter a step deeper and gave her a beautiful correlation between a baby’s umbilical cord and the roots of a plant or tree being like an umbilical cord.

Many say we set out to teach kids and in the process they teach us just as much. I agree!!

Her God given realization gave me one.

You may or may not know this, but a healthy umbilical cord has 3 vessels  which are like a 3 stranded cord that works together to provide nutrients to the baby and remove waste.

My relationship with God has a spiritual 3 stranded umbilical cord; what I call the umbilical cord of life.

When I am connected to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, my soul is getting fed all the nutrients it needs and the waste that can build up in life is being constantly removed.

If I disconnect from my relationship with Him, I will begin to lose oxygen (i.e. life) and no longer will I be able to directly receive the life-giving flow of the goodness of God.

Let that thought sink in…

Life, by definition, is a constant state of growing, and like a baby in a womb, the umbilical cord of life keeps me connected to God; ever growing more and more into the woman he has designed me to be.  Even when I mature beyond the initial womb of protected growth, my dependency on God remains. He continues to be my source of comfort, strength, life, hope, security and the one who feeds me good things. Unlike a child, my growth doesn’t involve my umbilical cord getting cut once I am born or me becoming less and less dependent on Him. My umbilical cord of life must remain attached if I am to stay close and connected with Him all the rest of the days of my life.

Having that visual really helped me understand the closeness that God desires to have with people and with me. He wants to have a close relationship where I hear his heartbeat and am directly fed with the words of life (i.e. the scriptures) and surrounded with a cushion of grace and peace and He desires that for you too! He knows that the spiritual umbilical cord must remain attached if I am to stay close to Him and He also knows how easy it is for the cares and lusts of this world to jostle and cut that cord loose.

I don’t know about you, but I want to remain connected to God. I want His 3 stranded umbilical cord to feed my soul, and our relationship with all His goodness, mercy, tenderness, and love.

Maybe you feel you have become detached from God. He is the great physician. He can take the umbilical cord and mend it so that you can be once again connected to him; comforted by His presence and surrounded by His love, fed by the umbilical cord of life.

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