Rhythm of His Will
“What if every delay, re-calculation, cancellation and change of my plans (and the plans of others) is actually God directing my steps and prayers and the prayers of believers to sync in time with the rhythm of His will?”
Before you head into today’s post, I just want to say that this blog is one such place where I want the rhythm of His will to be the heartbeat that pumps the truth through every blog post vein. This blog is not about quantity of information but rather quality. I don’t want to spit out thoughts unless they are Holy Spirit lead. There are enough idle words floating around on the internet without mine joining the ever growing clamorous crowd. I realize words have power to guide people’s hearts to good or evil and I want mine to point to the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Let’s jump in shall we?
The past couple of years…okay make that 7 years, have been full of delays, re-calculations, cancellations and changes in plans for me but in the last few years, especially where the whole world seems to be on that hamster wheel, I had finally reached a point of annoyance with God in that regard.
The beginning of this year I was very frustrated until one day the question above stopped me in my thinking tracks. I had been so busy stewing about how this person had ruined this plan or that thing had delayed that hope and in general just a finger pointing unhappy complainer of how God was handling things…or in truthful opinion, how I thought He WASN’T handling things when Holy Spirit whispered question into the storm of my soul that instantly stilled the waves of chaos.
It was a soul piercing pivotal question that required me to decide once and for all how I was going to see things. In short, did I want to insist on seeing things from my limited perspective or did I want to view things from God’s?
“Well of course I want to see your perspective God” I said with a scoff and a little too condescending of a tone
But had I really? Here I was griping and grumbling, panicking and nitpicking about everything I saw going on instead of asking God to show me what He was up to in it all. Sure I had praises I could point out where I could clearly see God had shown up over the years for myself and others, but there were still so many snapshots and video clips of life over the last 7 years where faith that God was in there somewhere was my only reasoning instead of knowing God was truly in those situations or particular moments.
As I meditated on the profound question that had swept over my soul, I decided I truly wanted to know what God had been doing and is currently doing. I was tired of feeling the grating of my thinking rhythm colliding with His and others. It was time to let Him sync me in time to the rhythm of His will. It was no longer good enough to just hope and ride or die on faith. I wanted, no needed, to know how to walk in the rhythm of His will from an unshakeable place of understanding. Who better to go to for truth, wisdom, knowledge and understanding than God? I’m so glad I made that choice because God was finally able to do what He wanted to do all along. He elevated me up to His vantage point and began to expound to me, just like He did to His disciples, what He was doing. Like Elisha’s servant, my eyes were opened to the awesome power of God that had been marching through the years right by my side in full resurrection regalia turning ashes into beauty and taking what evil meant for harm and creating a greater good for myself and others.
I am still being humbled today by all God is doing in my life and all around the world. Yes there are still things I can’t explain, hurts that seem unbearable and darkness that looks overwhelming, but no longer does despair plump its pillow and plop down in my heart to stay. There is no longer room for it because God’s thoughts have filled the space. His heartbeat has become my heartbeat; His foot prints a map for my foot steps. As I have asked Him to speak to me He has in deeper ways than I could have ever asked or imagined.
There is no doubt in my mind God has permeated every part of earth and given each one of us a role to play in HIStory and when we allow Him to sync us to the rhythm of His will, He is able to do great things in us and through us.