Legacy Warriors

Happy Father’s Day to all the men who have stepped into the role of fatherhood!

Fatherhood, like motherhood, is a sacred task; an opportunity to lead part of the next generation and leave a legacy that tells of the heart of God.

Whether your fatherhood journey took root because of a child born to you, adoption, or the choice to take on caring for the children God brings to you, your choice to love and lead them is integral to society.

No matter the narrative being spewed by mainstream platforms, you DO matter, and you are needed!!

You are a legacy warrior! You help bring about the full picture of who God is and how He loves each one of us. I may be a woman, but I am also a daughter and a wife, and I can say from firsthand experience (and the personal witnessing of fatherhood in action when it comes to my kids), a good father makes a huge difference in how a child is shaped into a person and citizen.

Notice I said a good father, not a perfect one.

Perfect father’s don’t exist on earth, but kids don’t need perfection.

What they do need is a man; a father who is purposeful, protective, proactive, and present. A man who is committed to being a good shepherd of his flock with boldness and gentleness. A man who has the heart of THE Father (i.e. God, our Heavenly Father).

It’s an interesting thing that most of us do not have to be told what a good father looks or acts like. It’s as if we just know…I wonder if that is because we are made in the image of God and being our Heavenly Father, He has indelibly written in our hearts the knowledge of what a good father is and what the heart of a father could be and should be.

When failure happens along the way in the pursuit of being a good father, it is the response that makes all the difference because there is just as much to be learned by father and child in failure as there is in a victory (again, speaking from personal experience and observation).

I know there are many stories out there of father’s who have abandoned and wounded the very children they were to cherish, and I do not seek to minimize that pain. But I do want to point out that for every one of those who chose to throw away the opportunity of fatherhood or used it to hurt and abuse, there are many more who have stepped up and embraced with great courage and humility the call of fatherhood.

I leave off this post with this final exhortation -

Fatherhood is not a promise, it is a privilege.

It is not a cool club; it is a commitment.

It is not a right of passage it is a deliberate pursuit.

It is not a Lordship; it is a leadership.

Whatever your choices as a father were yesterday, whatever they are today, you can always learn from them and choose better tomorrow. The Bible, from beginning to end, tells of the heart of our Father God whose love for His children is unmatched. He will lead you in your fatherhood if you let Him. He will teach you how love your children as He loves His if you seek Him. He wants you to succeed as a good father, but you must decide today, and every day, you want that same heart in you and I guarantee if you ask Him, He will give it to you!

Remember, we don’t need perfect fathers; just men willing to be good fathers who carry out the legacy of the heart of God. The cost is high and the journey long, but the reward is irreplaceable, and the blessings received more than can be numbered!

To those who have already said yes to fatherhood God bless you!

To those who are going to join the ranks, I can’t wait for you to experience all God has in store for you!

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Born to Let Go