Let God Prove Himself

My mom and I are doing a Soul Defense class (see our website for more details) and while refining and writing it a powerful concept emerged.

How can I really trust God if I never give Him a chance to prove His faithfulness to me?

The Christian walk is full of ideas such as loving and trusting God and if God is as loving, wonderful, spectacular, faithful, long suffering, merciful and kind as I say He is, why do I sometimes struggle to believe that or live like that is truth?

Why do I question Him when He has a 100% success rate?

Then it hit me.

What if I let God prove Himself?

All throughout Scripture, God not only demonstrates His love in an overwhelming way, but many times is seen appealing to people to give Him the chance to love and prove Himself to them.

Why would God humble Himself so much and eagerly seek to win my allegiance when He is…well God?

That in and of itself should be enough but it isn’t for Him, and it shouldn’t be for me. Why should I trust anyone (including Him) if I have never seen Him prove His faithfulness to me personally?

It’s nice to have the records in the Bible of all the ways He showed up for others BUT those people are not me and those circumstances are different than mine. God created relationships a two-way street and my relationship with Him is no different. Just because someone’s character proceeds them, doesn’t instantly mean I should or can trust them. Such intimacy requires the building of trust, and such trust is only built by letting a person prove themselves.

God knows this fact. He created it after all.

If I were to simply believe God and everything said about Him in Scripture but never take the time to get to know Him on a personal, intimate level, when life stuff hits the proverbial “uh oh” fan there is no foundation of trust built with Him and He knows that leaves our relationship vulnerable.

I realized I had more expectations for people in my human relationships to prove themselves but assumed those things about God instead of letting Him prove Himself to me personally.

While on the one hand I found the disconnect rather comical on the other hand it has truly amazed me all over again that God wants to pursue me the same way a man would a woman He loves. He isn’t satisfied with me just taking His word and past demonstrations of character as good enough. Yes, the initial faith is a big step, but He longs for more than that. He deeply desires a passionate level of commitment that can only come when I give Him the opportunity to win my heart and prove His faithful fidelity…to me.

In my own personal life, I am learning to not just give God more opportunities to prove Himself to me but preemptively inviting Him to do so.

When I go through hard times, I ask Him to walk with me and then watch how He shows up and unsurprisingly, He is always does.

When I don’t understand why He isn’t following through on His promises as fast as I would like, I recount the ways He came through before and give Him the space to prove Himself again and without fail, He does.

When He asks me to do something that is hard or takes me out of my comfort zone, I wait to see how He champions and coaches me through it and discover every time He is my biggest fan and was simply calling out the potential in me.

When I feel like a great disappointment and failure and in that vulnerable moment choose to open the door of my heart to Him, He always speaks love and truth over me and offers me a place of comfort.

Thus far, in my experience, each time I let Him prove Himself to me the more I feel safe, secure, loved and utterly comfortable in His presence.

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