Thursday Tippity Tip: 12 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Are Dating Someone

One of the best investments we can ever make in a dating relationship is to take the time to stop, pray and ask ourselves questions like the ones below. That investment could mean the difference between a story laced with regret and one laced in happily-ever-after. To put it another way, it's a lot easier to walk away from a date than a divorce.

  1. What attracted me to this person?
  2. What do others initially sense about them?
  3. How do they show respect for me?
  4. How does what they say match what they do?
  5. What kind of dynamics do I see in their family and friendships?
  6. If something traumatic happened, would I be able to rely on them?
  7. Where do they fall within the standards I have set for the kind of man/woman I believe God wants me to marry?
  8. What kind of relationship do they have with God? Strangers? Acquaintance? Friends? BFFs?
  9. How often are they seeking out how to put others first versus being noticed and catered too?
  10. How do I usually feel around them? Safe or walking on eggshells? A trophy or genuinely cherished? Cared for or a coat rack for their issues? Loved or lusted after?
  11. What kind of reaction do I get when they encounter a boundary of mine?
  12. Does how they envision what God wants for their life align with what God has shown me he wants for mine?

My encouragement to you is to be specific when answering each of these questions. Take your time!! Most of these can only be answered over a period of getting to know someone. And be honest with yourself! Don't sugar coat or justify any inconsistencies or flags. Simply write down the answers as they are in reality and then take it ALL to God in prayer. He will lead you in wisdom if you are willing to let him. And be sure to ask the same questions of yourself. I wish I had stopped to ask myself some of these questions, especially question #4 because I believe I would have seen things so much more clearly and would not have been so fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing so many years ago.

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My Own Worst Enemy


B.O.L.D. Living