Thursday Tippity Tip - 3 Habits That Build a Healthy Relationship

My professional life coaching class taught me so much but these three habits that build a healthy relationship proved to be so profound in all areas of my life that I would like to share them with you today! I hope they help you begin building (or to keep building) healthy relationships! 

Be fully present - There is something about someone just sitting in undistracted communion with another that is beautiful. It speaks volumes about the value placed on the relationship. It lets the other person know they are the most important thing to you right there in that moment.

Be curious - Curiosity shows interest and lets a person know who they are is important. Asking genuine questions born out of curiosity creates an atmosphere in which you can learn about the things that cause the beat behind their very heart.

Be affirming - When a person opens up and shares pieces of their heart there is a fragile vulnerability that encapsulates those pieces. What is done with that vulnerability has the potential to break or bond a relationship. Affirming a person is what takes that vulnerability and cradles it in the gentle hands of love and says “You have value as a person”. Affirming doesn’t mean you always agree but it certainly says you still care about them.


My Story


Worthy Of God’s Patience