As He Said

The priests, scribes and Pharisees were sure they had finally rid their conscience's of him.

The people of the city were in whirl about the events of the past few days but like so many sensational moments in history, there is a peak and then a silent lull afterward.

Silence reigned where vicious railings, false accusations, excruciating cries from the crucified with Jesus, and mockery of Roman and Jew had rang out.

It seemed the man Jesus was just another false prophet who had turned their world upside down for 3 1/2 years but now it was all over.

Life progressed on with preparations for the Sabbath occupying the thoughts of most but there were those who like Abraham before them

"...against hope believed in hope...."

Romans 4:18

and who had made plans to go before first light on the 3rd day to the grave.

It doesn't say, but I believe Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome (she is mentioned in Mark 16:1) hastened to the sepulcher before the dawn of the promised morning in at least partial expectation.

Yes, they were coming to anoint him, who with their own eyes was brutally killed, but they had seen him raise a man from the dead so maybe...just maybe he too would be able to take hold of that power and rise he said. Perhaps that is what compelled them so urgently, but whatever it was, they came seeking Jesus. Dead or alive.

What disappointment they must have felt when they realized as they got closer to the sepulcher that they had no way of moving the stone. What little hope they had most likely disintegrated at that thought.

I wonder what went through their minds in that moment. Even the most fervent of them must have felt a tremor in their belief.

Perhaps they felt the keepers at the tomb would just laugh them off but before they got to the tomb and could even think of begging the watchmen, something happened that shook their world...literally! They didn't know why at the moment but the earth quaked because as an angel had descended and rolled the stone away. But he didn't stop there. He then sat on the stone in moment of victory while the keepers of the tomb became like dead men at the pure shock of what they just witnessed. Before the women could see what the angel had done, he went into the tomb to await his expected guests.

Again the scriptures don't say but I think the angel was smiling the whole time with the grin of someone who is about to share the biggest news headline in history. After his glorious entrance he sat quietly by the place where Jesus had laid until the women fearfully stepped into the tomb. Then he addressed them with some of the most powerful words in history.

"...Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay

Matthew 28:5-6

I don't know about you but those words give me GOOSE BUMPS!!

Imagine you had run with the other women to the tomb. Partly believing that maybe you will find Jesus alive but mostly feeling like your wishful thinking was just that, wishful.

Then the earth shakes. You don't know yet but an angel so lightening bright and glowing white has preemptively moved the very thing in the way between you and your deepest fears possibly coming true. And THEN when you come to the entrance of the tomb and timidly peep around the corner you see a young man sitting in a long white robe grinning from ear to ear as he says to you "He is not here: for he is risen, AS HE SAID. Come see the place where the Lord lay" With those words still sinking into your now fast beating heart, he draws you into the grave to see one of the most glorious sights ever.


I don't know what I would have thought in that moment. Do you?

One thing I do know is how could you not believe after that!?

Yet, when the spies for the proud Pharisees; spies who witnessed the miracle that took place that glorious morning, came and declared all that had happened, their words were twisted. The Pharisees were not humbled or repentant in the least. They just took up where they left off by immediately seeking to create and spread the lies that his disciples had pulled off a massive coup and stolen Jesus' body. It was a long shot but anything was better than admitting what they felt to be a bitter defeat. They knew the truth and chose to hold it in unrighteousness. How sad! They missed out on eternal life and on experiencing the transformation of becoming a new creature in Christ because of their blinding, stubborn pride. They went to their graves believing their religion would save them. In ignoring their salvation they lost the very thing they thought they would attain by good works.

I hope that doesn't become your story.

Today, as you think about the eternal victory Jesus gave to all mankind; a victory wrapped in the free choice to choose salvation by believing in his perfect sacrifice that paid for all sin (past, present, future) that we were indebted to and could never pay; today let the weight of hearing the words "as he said" become an anthem for those of you who believe and a chance for those of you who don't believe to accept the free gift of salvation.

Jesus is The Way The Truth and The Life, AS HE SAID

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, AS HE SAID

Jesus is coming back, AS HE SAID

Jesus will judge the world in truth and justice, AS HE SAID

Jesus will fulfill every promise he made and still makes, AS HE SAID

You can trust Jesus. Just as he said.


In Deed & Truth


Thursday Tippity Tip: 4 More Monthly Fellowship Ideas!