Hugged Through A Can of Tuna

Looking at the package of Tuna cans my mom and I contemplated on whether I should put it in the bag of food or not...

"What if she doesn't like Tuna?"

"Will she think we are weird for putting Tuna in the bag?"

I almost didn't put the Tuna in but after a cringing stare down with the package we decided I should include it.

She was hungry and even though we didn't have much, Tuna was one of the few things we found in my pantry that we had plenty of to share.

My mom went to work and I buckled my girls snuggly into their seats then hopped into my car.

When I got to her house I gathered up the food and headed for the front door.

She had already told me she had the flu so I just gently placed the bags by the front door and quietly left.

When I got in my car I texted her that the bags were there and then I backed up and drove home.

That was that or so I thought.

We had been privileged to assist a fellow friend in need and we were glad to help but what made going more than worth it was what she called to tell me.

Since I was driving she left a message

That message...

It warmed my heart and filled my soul with praise for God!

She told me that the bag of food was perfect and exactly what she had been longing for.

Especially the...wait for it...TUNA!

She had been wanting Tuna for so long and not been able to buy it.

It was in that moment I was wowed by God. I could do nothing more than than lift up my voice and say, "God I am amazed by you! I saw Tuna but you saw a way to hug someone in desperate need of a tangible sense that you were still looking out for her. You gave her a tender embrace through a can of Tuna and I am humbled to be a witness of heaven touching a soul. Wow God...just wow."

This story is about more than a package of canned Tuna.

There was spiritual battle going on. I know it sounds silly but seriously, there was a blessing in the making and Satan didn't want it to be passed on. Had we let our fears of wondering if she liked Tuna or not prevail, we would have dampened the initial pull on our hearts to put it in the bag and she would not have been so profoundly blessed.

This story is not about us or what we did. It is about God and how awesome and thoughtful he is toward his children! He is always, ALWAYS in the microscopic details no one sees until the moment it is revealed and then everything makes total sense. It is like a magic trick where you wonder how it happened and when they explain you're like "Wow! I get it now!"

It is in times like these I am reminded I serve a relational and real God who deeply cares for us. I don't know about you, but when I hear or see someone experience a hand picked blessing tailored just to them and their needs it brings a flood of memories to mind of all the times God has shown up in my life in a specific way and that builds my faith and hope.

I simply hope our obedience in such a tiny thing encourages you to be obedient even when it doesn't seem like it would matter if you were or not. It DOES matter. He wants to bless someone through YOU! And in doing so, he wants to bless you too.

Do you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart to do something specific but a fear is keeping you from following through?

Set the fear aside and do whatever He is asking.

You never know when God is using you to give a hug through a simple can of Tuna. :)


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