Becoming Mr. MaGoo

As a young Christian...oh wait scratch that because I’m still considered “young”. =D Let me try again. When I was but a wee little Christian and all the way up through the tender teenage years, I saw my God as bigger than anything.

Whenever I was faced with an issue I would look up and shrug my shoulders and tell God “Well, I trust you have some good ideas because I have no clue how to solve this” and that was that.

God would fix it, simple as that.

That was my solution for every personal and world problem

A shrug of my shoulders and a “I can’t but God certainly can” attitude.

I was a Mr. Magoo kind of Christian. I walked though life oblivious to all the amazing circumstances God worked out in order to make sure there was something solid for each step of my child like faith to land on. 

But as I grew, so did my “wisdom” and like a kernel of popcorn tossed about in the heat of life, I let myself get puffed up in my thinking. I became less like Mr. MaGoo and more like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh.

In my mind, God became less able to do the impossible.

The truth is, God was (and still is!!) more than able to do the impossible! It is only when I let my finite pea brain overheat trying to figure out what only an infinite God can that I fry parts of my mind’s circuit board and get stuck in a mess. God has His work cut out in me because at any one point in time, something is usually under construction zone tape in my mind while God replaces the broken parts with new ones.

Over the past year or so, I came to a point where I got tired of putting God in a box. I longed for the liberty that came from handing over to God the things in my life. Since then I have been making my way back to being a Mr. MaGoo Christian; A Christian who knows and believes with every fiber of her being that God is able to do anything; A Christian who looks at problems and instead of trying to fix them, looks up at God with a shrug and says “I hope you brought you tool box because this is going to need A LOT of help” and then sits back and watches God do what only God can do.

I am almost there and oh how alive and free I feel!

Would you like to join me? There is so much freedom and joy that comes from simply trusting that God can handle everything. Whether you believe He can or can’t doesn’t change that He is God and He totally can!

Becoming Mr. MaGoo by Erin Patton

My friend, you too

Can become a Mr. MaGoo

God’s got it all and you

Won’t you let God do

What only He can do

I promise it is completely true

That God will come through

E.V.E.R.Y. T.I.M.E.


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