Thursday Tippity Tip: How to Be Contagious

Before you freak out, this is not a post on passing around germs

That would just be weird!

No, no, I am talking about being contagious in a different way but first, what does the word contagious make you think of?

Initially for me it brings up thoughts of tissue sticking out of sniffly red noses, bone rattling sneezes, coughs that sound like a person it about to choke up their lungs, or some horrible sickness like Ebola.

Gross right?

So why would I use a word that just makes a person feel like they are crawling with germs?

Because I want to shift your perspective.

Being contagious is not always a bad thing!

It depends on what you are passing on.

If you are contagious with joy, laughter, peace, encouragement, comfort, love, or hope then those are outbreaks that I want to be a part of because they are good things that should be ‘caught’!

I mean, at some point in your life you have been the recipient of the laughing bug that left your side sore but curiously aching for more right? That bug is so highly contagious it is nearly impossible to escape. I don’t know about you but after experiencing the affects of that tenacious bug, I look forward to getting it again and can’t wait to catch it from others whenever I can.

It’s a “virus” I WANT to be unstoppable and a cure to never be found!

If you want to join me in passing on infections of the best kind, here are the steps to becoming contagious.

Step 1 - Expose yourself to joy, laughter, peace, encouragement, comfort, love, hope etc. Make sure and get coughed and sneezed on as much as possible by those things. The people who are stricken with them the most are the ones you want to hang out with.  

Step 2 - Don’t suppress or immunize yourself against what you expose yourself to. Just let yourself get as bad case of it as you can get! 

Step 3 - Go out as much as possible and spread what you have around. Expose as many people as possible until they too succumb.

Step 4 - If you find your self recovering from any of the above mentioned things, simply repeat step 1 - 4. ;)


A Sheep’s Prayer


Fingernails of Peace