Thursday Tippity Tip: 3 Ways to Practice Femininity

Here are 3 ways to practice being more feminine! They are easy things to implement and with little practice, will leave you feeling more poised and lady like. At least that is how these steps made me feel and I hope they do the same for you!

  1. Squat - I have kids so picking up toys, messes, lost socks and you name it has become second nature. Many times I just bend over and swoop up the item without missing a stride. Nothing is wrong with that method per say but there is a more feminine way to accomplish that task and that is by squatting. It is more feminine to stop, gracefully squat with legs close together as if you were going to sit on a low chair. Bending over poses several potential issues (I have experienced all of them) but I will only cover the top two. First of all, it ungracefully sticks your rear end up in the air like a stink bug. I can't tell you how many people I have literally butt bombed because I never remember to check if someone is behind me before picking something up. Talk about embarrassing! The second issues comes in from wearing a semi low necked or lose shirt because will show. Many times I have unconsciously bent over and accidentally exposed my bust. I don't think it scared anybody who was the recipient of my thoughtless bend-and-snap but I still don't like to be so exposed. Over all, squatting is so much more tasteful and feminine and I like how much more lady like I feel.
  2. Cross your ankles - I know I know, your grandma probably told you this one many times but it really works! It not only makes me sit with better posture but it helps me tap into my feminine side. I find I don't slump in my seat and my crossed over leg doesn't get numb from resting over my other leg. The hardest part about crossing the ankles is keeping the knees together but with very little practice that is easily accomplished. Crossing the ankles elongates the legs and body in a tasteful way that makes event the shortest of us look more willowy. When I cross my legs I feel crunched and crumpled. Not to mention it causes my baby fat to jello up in Pillsbury Dough Boy roles that I have to cover with crossed up arms which just makes me look like a slumped up mess. Sounds lovely right? Somehow guys crossing their legs makes them look more manly but on women it just that is my humble opinion. Don't get me wrong, I don't always remember to cross my ankles and sometimes I am just to lazy to care, but over all crossing the ankles makes me feel lady like and I have no doubt you will feel the same way too.
  3. Talk softer - I come from a loud family. No, we aren't Italian. We are a mix of Mexican and Scotts-Irish which is an explosive combination that can rival any Italian gathering. I mean, we can be the definition of loud so when it comes to me talking, I have a bit of trouble in this area. As my passion for what I am talking about rises so does my vocal volume. It isn't that I yell or am booming across the room in a riotously loud voice but my voice can still very much dominate. I am learning to speak with a little more gentility and softness in my voice and a little less tom-boy vigor. I have heard many women speak and what has fascinated me about many of them is that they carry such feminine power and authority in what they are saying while their voices remain soft and genteel. Their words are full of passion, joy, and even indignant justice sometimes but their voice is balanced and I never feel like they are talking especially loud. When I have really paid attention to how loud I am talking and speak in a more soft tone, I feel so much more feminine and lady like.


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