The Strangest Places

God can be so creative and humorous in how He chooses to speak to me.

I can say that with authority because I see it so much in my life.

Throughout my 1/4 of a century of life, it is normally in the strangest places that I have ended up gaining a true friend, a word of wisdom, a hug of hope, or finding exactly what I was looking for. 

For example, He has brought me to a place of joy in the last piece of square footage on this earth that I ever thought I would find it and yet here I am, full of joy unspeakable because of the goodness of God. He has lead me to green pastures (literally and figuratively!) and is leading me in paths of righteousness. Why? For His name's sake! Why is that last phrase so important to know? Because by NO OTHER name is anyone saved. In His name is all power and authority. From this place of being safely loved and upheld in His goodness I have found a wellspring of joy  because the weight of everything working out for my good doesn't rest on my shoulders. I just have to bring a willing heart and God will work out the rest.

Another way God likes to show His humor (or should I say creativity? Or both?) is how He brings out random people in the strangest places to encourage me rather than always using family or friends. All of the strangers, without even realizing it, were vessels of his grace, hope, peace and really whatever I needed just at that right moment. Sometimes the exchange is a passing "random" sentence found in generic banter that strikes a chord of truth that resonates deep within my soul. Other times it is a listening ear that loves me where I am at or a person who sees I am overwhelmed at the moment and pours healing and living words of life and truth over me.

Those random people I run into in the places I least expect to find anything have also shown me something else very important. I (or you or anyone!) don't have to write a book, or be on TV, or have a stage, or world renowned ministry, or be famous in any capacity to make a huge or life changing difference in someone else's life. Simply listening can be more healing than a whole book! There is a time and place for both but you get the point :) ) The key is that I just have to be willing to invest in the precious soul(s) God brings beside me on the path of life. Maybe some will jog right past me but I can still cheer them on. Or maybe I will come across another who is gasping for air, barely limping along, who needs someone to come alongside and offer them a glass of water and words that remind them that they are capable of so much more than they think. Whoever God brings and wherever they may be in their journey, I (and everyone single one of you) has the ability to be "that person" another finds in the strangest places of their life who brings hope and healing where it is least expected and just when it is most needed.

He has also brought answers to me in the strangest places as in random songs as I am walking through a store.

No really

I can be wrestling with things in my mind as I walk through a store looking for the best deal on apples and suddenly my ears will tune in and the lyrics I hear floating down from far above my head answer my thoughts. Most of the time I am zoned out from music in a store but there are times God grabs the volume knob in my mind and cranks it up just at the right time for me to catch the simple solution He wanted me to hear above the chaos of my over thinking.

God has demonstrated to me in a real way just how much He works in mysterious and marvelous ways. God always knows what I need when I need it. I am resting in the comfort that His grace has been, and is, and will be sufficient for me. Even in my weakest moments, God will prove himself the strongest and the workings of His is almightiness doesn't depend on how awesome and skilled I am, or in most cases, am not. ;)

So I leave you with this thought. If He is more than able to make His love show up in the strangest places for me, then I am assured He will continue to show up just on time in all other aspects of my life and yours.


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