You are God, God, God

We were peacefully driving down the road

While looking out the window at the houses and trees we passed, I quietly hummed the chorus of a song we had sung in Church just 30min before

Nothing was out of the ordinary

The chorus was simple but it was powerful to me so I hummed it again and again trying to soak in the amazing truth tucked in the 3 word chorus that went like this:

"You, you are, you are God, God, God"

And then it happened...

As we were coming up to an intersection a little car turned left in front of us

My mom slammed on her brakes

For a split second we heard the squeal of the van tires and felt the weight of our bodies pressing against the seatbelt restraint as we braced ourselves for impact.

And then nothing

Just like that it was over

My mom began to accelerate and we were on our way

We missed the car by less than a foot

Had they tapped their brakes or froze and mashed on their brakes we would have either T-boned them or smashed into their back end.

Here's the most important thing though, I was literally in the middle of mentally singing "you are God" when we nearly collided.

Why is that important? Because in the silent moments afterward as we were catching our breath and trying to process what nearly happened, I discovered I was calm. It surprised me because we could have been seriously injured, killed someone or all of us could have died. When situations happened like that before I was in panicked shock for several minutes afterward and yet this time I was at peace.

Maybe it was because I was in the middle of quiet worship

Maybe it was because I had just spent a few hours soaking in the word at church

Whatever it was, I know the moment our day nearly took a bad turn the song I was singing literally came to life. I saw God swoop in and protect us (and the other car). There was no fear where fear should have reigned.

In that moment I re-discovered a truth I knew but needed a reminder on.

When things happen out of my control; When things happen faster than I can process; When winds of change shift and sweep me off balance,

God is still God, God, God.

I needed to know that because the circumstances and people I am currently dealing with in my life were causing God to slowly diminish. To be completely honest, God had started to seem small and not very powerful. I know those things are not true, but my human frailty was trying to convince me otherwise.

That near accident was the AED shock that reset and reawakened my heart.

Tonight my heart is at peace because He is God, God, God.

I don't know what the future holds or what the outcome ahead of me will be, but I know whatever happens God has His hand over it all. He will open doors for me that no man can shut and shut doors for me that no man can open. Whatever circumstance I find myself in, I will be okay because He is God, God, God over it.

Are you facing hard circumstances? Does God feel smaller than what you are facing? Then I hope this post reminds you that he is God, God, God over ALL and He is bigger than anything you are facing or will ever face.

I encourage you to listen to the song, "You Are" by Scott Underwood and be reminded of that truth today.


The Answer With No Answer


THURSDAY TIPPITY TIP: 7 Ways to Practice Being Wise