Thursday Tippity Tip: The Importance of Self Care

Self Care sounds so...well self centered and it is...but then again it isn't.

Confused? Just keep reading. I promise clarity will come. ;) So what is this Self Care thing I am talking about? Well, I would describe Self Care as: Daily setting aside time for oneself to do something one likes that will in turn help reset, refocus and re-energize the body and mind.

Self Care is something that is necessary for you to keep your sanity and refill YOU.

Think about it for a second.

Most of us spend 90% of our time thinking about others and pouring ourselves into life. Parents REALLY understand this concept because we gave up the choice to spend time on ourselves the minute we decided to have kids. Although most of us enjoy giving our time, energy, love, and ourselves to our jobs, families, hobbies and the like, we can easily become a consumed commodity with nothing left to give.

SELF CARE IS: Daily setting aside time for oneself to do something one likes that will in turn help reset, refocus and re-energize the body and mind.

Now, I can see you about to say it so I will go ahead just put your mind at rest.

I know there are those who spend all their time on themselves and how great and wonderful they are and they are like the leeches of life that suck those around them dry but I am not talking about those self absorbed people. Self absorption is drastically different from self care. One is consuming the other is renewing

Self Care is so important but it is often the last thing on our list that usually gets pushed aside. One of the few things that helps us stay balanced and sane gets wait listed when it should be a part of our every day habit.

Now back to the original questions, what is Self Care and how does one go about doing it?

First off, Self Care looks different for every individual. It can look like a nature walk for some, a knitting corner for others, or a nap. The important thing is that your Self Care is something YOU like to do that gets your endorphins going and creates a much needed time and place for joy, hope, peace, creativity, and wonder to re-cultivate. It is where you get your refill so you can jump back in the race of life fresh and ready to keep going. Self Care satiates our brain's and body's need to have a chance to sort through things, be creative and re-charge and while sleep helps with that, Self Care is the active form of getting into that refreshed state again.

One of the few things that helps us stay balanced and sane gets wait listed when it should be a part of our every day habit.

It might sound redundant for me to say this again because it seems so "DUH!" but I cannot stress enough that you make sure Self Care is about you...truly ALL ABOUT YOU and not something that looks like you folding laundry in a quiet room while your kids nap unless you just love doing laundry and find it exceptionally refreshing...said NO ONE EVER so don't even try that excuse. ;)

Self absorption is drastically different from self care.

Self absorption is drastically different from self care. One is consuming the other is

Self Care can be structured or spontaneous but should be fun either way! It should not be some super long or complex process. It should be something you look forward to CHOOSING everyday. With that being said, here are 2 steps to help you start your Self Care!

  1. Make a list of at least 20 things you like or love. If you have more things than that by all means keep adding! Don't limit yourself because you never know when you might get a surprise day off and get to go on a horse back ride like you always wanted or try out that cute little coffee shop you have been longing to explore.
  2. Carve out time everyday (yes EVERYDAY!) whether it be 10min or 2hr. Your long list should have plenty of ideas that will amply fill whatever time you have set aside. We are all busy so no one has an excuse for not doing Self Care. ;) NOTE: This is SELF Care not COUPLE Care so no offense to the spouses or kiddos but make sure the time carved out is for a party of one, YOU. This is very important because taking that little time away will enable you to give back of yourself even more abundantly.

Self Care can be structured or spontaneous but should be  fun either way!

Self Care was something I didn't even know about until about a year ago but I wish I had known it waaaay before then. It is something that has helped me become a better version of myself and I hope it does the same for you. Maybe you are like me and you don't think you are worth the set aside time but you are! You really are. I just needed someone to tell me it was okay and that taking time to myself that I desperately needed to re-set wouldn't turn me into a selfish mirror-mirror on the wall diva.

Today, I am going to be that someone telling you that it's okay to take time for yourself so later on you can give even more of yourself. You won't turn in a selfish diva. You will simply become a happier, more fulfilled person!


Thursday Tippity Tip: How to L.E.A.V.E the victim behind


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