I Wonder as I Wander

One of my most favorite things to do is go places. It could be the store or the park or a new place I have never been before because I love to simply wonder as I wander. I am the kind of person who likes to feel, examine or contemplate the things or people I come across because that is what sparks my thinking which ignites my imagination which inspires new ideas which helps keep my vision fixed on possabilites ahead of me instead of unchangeable things behind me. It is relatively easy for me to set aside my phone or ditch social media in order to ponder the essence of grace in an ice skater or gaze at the beauty of perfectly blended colors in a sunset or be mesmerized by the detail of a painter's masterpiece. It is just a part of who I am. The creativity God has placed in mankind never ceases to amaze me. When I see in the skills of humans and realize all our greatest achievements are mere shadows of the Creator himself I am floored. And when I study the natural world I am left even more in awe.But I realize most of my generation and even the generation before me will have a harder time. All of us have been groomed to be glued to devices but for some of you your problem lies more in super busy lives than the internet. Either way you are still missing out!! I want to challenge all of you to put aside the scrolling or the business if even for 10min a day. I mean, when is the last time you wondered as you wandered? And I mean REALLY tuned into what was around you and didn't have one eye on a screen somewhere and one hand touching your phone in case someone messaged you? There is so much more going on just a few feet past your phone screen and busy life. For your sake, I hope you take the time to discover the amazing world and unique people God created and placed right in front of you. I know you will be wowed by the things you discover when you take the time to slow down and wonder as you wander.


Thursday Tippity Tip: Kids & Layovers


Thursday Tippity Tip: 4 Uses For a Laundry Basket (HINT: They don't have to do with laundry)