One Day or Day One?

I wouldn't say I am a procrastinator but I have let my fear of failing, the unknown, rejection, and you name it keep me from taking that first step.Too many times I have caught myself saying, "One day I'll________________" and you know what? I have yet to see any of those things actually happen.So today I want to encourage you and in doing so, remind me, that every day I can either dream of one days or make today day one.FAILING: Here is the truth of the matter. To do great things I am going to fail at some point and that is OKAY. Failure means I am trying. Failure shows progress toward success. Failure doesn't define my ability or who I am. Failures are the growing pains of my life and though they can be painful for a time, they show a greater purpose at work.UNKNOWNS: There will always be unknowns but that is really nothing new since life itself is an unknown and in reality, I have zero idea what could happen 10 seconds, 10 minutes, or 10 years from now. Besides, God was in yesterday, is here today, and holds tomorrow so that means he has taken care of every unknown that are even currently unknowns to me. Guess that means I can stop worrying about the stuff I was never supposed to worry about anyway. ;)REJECTION: I could let fear of rejection keep me in check but then again that would require I stay in my house and never leave. The fact of the matter is, somewhere, somehow there will ALWAYS be a critical comment, a better way I could have said this or another way I could have improved that and for every one person pleased there will be three more displeased. So what does that tell me and who should I ultimately listen to? It tells me that what God says trumps everyone else's opinions or my own self inflicted rejections and his voice alone is the one I should follow above all others including my own.So going forward I am no longer going to make ridiculous fears valid reasons for not doing something.Will you join me?


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