Thursday Tippity Tip: 4 Bedtime routines to help you sleep can be so refreshing or more illusive than a mirage. Since becoming a parent sleeping in or sometimes sleeping at all is just a dream...literally haha!It got me to thinking, how does one establish some bed time routines that make falling asleep (or the possibility if you are a parent 😂 ) better?Here are 4 bedtime routines that I have found to help me wether I do all or one of them!1) Take a warm bath or cool shower! Even if you are a morning shower person, there is something so relaxing in a bubble bath or taking a refreshing rinse off shower. Water has this built in capability of bringing calmness and making you feel like a million bucks so no matter how weary or tired you are, just take the 10min and do it! Too often I skip this step and I know from personal experience that I ALWAYS feel better when I take the time to have a shower or bath at night.2) Put your electronics away! Blue light from phone screens, tablets, I-pads, tvs etc keep the mind active. An hour before bed is not the time to start conversations or become emersed into your favorite show. Instead, grab a glass of water and head over to step three!3) Watch the sunset! Sounds weird but watching a sunset helps create meletonin and transition your body from hyper day time mode to relaxed sleepy night night mode. Plus, you will see gorgeous sunsets and that is enough all by itself. 😁4) Stretch and breath! Even just 5min of stretching and deep breathing is super relaxing. I love how peaceful and good I feel when I stretch and just take the time to only focus on breathing. As a busy parent, quiet times are few amd far between so even 5 - 10 min where multi tasking is non existent is like a Christmas gift!Hope you find this post helpful! Please comment below with what routines you like to do that you have found to work for you! Would love to hear them. 😊


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