Let Liberty Ring

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.Galatians 5:1 KJVYou know when words just jump out on a page? Today those words did just that. I was feeling weak and weary and then I saw those powerful words. My heart leaped for joy within me! It was as if God said, "I have not brought you this far out of bondage to leave you. Stand fast because I got you! There will always be those who spy out your liberty but if you let me, I will protect what I have given you. I will go before you. I will keep a watch behind you. I will stand beside you. There will always be days you feel like you're getting entangled in the chains of bondage again but who I have made free is free indeed."I love reminders like that! They always come when I need them the most. Sometimes through the Bible. Sometimes through a road sign. Sometimes through a blog. Sometimes through a person. No matter how it happens, when God speaks his truth into my life, it resonates deep within my soul and my spirit is lifted just like it was today. 


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