Opinion of One

If you missed last Sunday's post, Click here Why do I try so hard to fit in when I was born to stand out?Why do I try to be a copy cat when I was created unique?Why do I try to be someone else when God already designed me to fill the role of one called, me?Why do I try to fit with a trend or popular opinion when they can never define who I truly am?Why do I try to fill other people’s 1000s of definitions of beauty and goodness that  I can never possibly measure up to when God has called me to define myself by one standard, his?Lately I have been pondering those thoughts and I hope as you read you contemplate them for yourself and you are reminded, as I was, that you are a one-of-a-kind human. Not a limited edition but a once in a life time masterpiece that is priceless in the eyes of God.As I thought and thought about those questions, I saw a common root between them all and then I realized they all come down to one thing.It’s a little word that holds great potential power an...Opinion.The times I forget that there is only one opinion that counts is when I get into a mess.  When someone doesn’t understand me then I have the propensity to believe something must be wrong with me or that I need to change things about me in order to fit their ideas so that I am understood. Opinions can shift perspectives. They can make people do crazy things. Opinions are like secret badges of acceptance that everybody wants even if at times it is at the cost of sinning against their own conscience.Why?Because opinions are what make us feel wanted and accepted. It is a verbal showing of approval, feigned or real, but either way, who doesn’t like the momentary feeling of being in the good graces of someone they want to impress? Maybe it’s just me...but somehow, I don’t think so. ;)Remember when I said opinions hold great POTENTIAL power? That is because opinions are only as powerful as I let them be.But how do I know which opinions to heed? How do I know when to ignore them?The answer is simple and I discovered can be found in one statement and two questions.First, I have to continuously read and renew my mind in God’s word because that is where I get intimate with what is truth and what are lies. Then I ask myself these two questions. What does God say? Does the person’s opinion resonate with what God says is truth?Instead of trying to live up to other people’s every opinion, if it doesn’t line up to what God says is truth then I drop the opinion like I would a scalding coal because God’s opinion trumps mine. God’s opinion trumps yours. God’s opinion is the only one that counts. It took me the longest time to realize that the greatest pleasure and joy I can give God here on Earth is to walk in truth. 3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”  I have come to realize that God made it uncomplicated to please him and He wants me to succeed. When I let Him lead me, He makes it easy to glorify him through daily redeeming of every breath he gives me. He clears a path that allows me to victoriously live the life he gave me, and only me, to live. By his grace he empowers me to use the talents and desires he has given me and gives me courage to do all with passion, purity of heart, and purpose. Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” These are truths I have known but need to be reminded of again and again which I why I wrote them for you. In writing them, I’m encouraged to get back up where I have pressed myself down under the pressure of other’s opinions.Are you striving to satisfy too many opinions?Are you weary of carrying the burden of always trying to please and never being enough?Then I hope this post encouraged you to drop those burdens and go back to the simplicity of God’s opinion about who you are and what he REALLY wants you to do.His opinion is the only one that matter anyway. :)If you found this post encouraging or helpful, please subscribe to the blog. I post twice a week. Thursday I post a tippity tip and Sunday I post encouraging thoughts from things I am learning.


THURSDAY TIPPITY TIP: 3 Practical Items That Should Always Be In Your Vehicle


Thursday Tippity Tip: Get a Grip on This Simple Tip to Relax Your Body More!