Magnified Love

ordinarygirl1extraordinarygod  MAGNIFIED LOVE:It's an interesting paradigm to want to be known and yet so afraid of people seeing who you are at your heart's core. There is a hardwiring within the spirit of man that makes us long to be fully understood and completely known. The funny thing is I feel comforted that God knows all about me. There is more fear in a person seeing a tiny portion of my heart than all knowing God knowing everything there is to know about me. Why? Because in that fullness of God knowing everything I find his fullness of unconditional love. I'm not afraid for God to see me as I am because I feel so secure in his love. I know he doesn't look at me to see where he can beat me down. He looks at me and desires that his love build me up into the person he created me to be. Everyday he magnifies his love toward me because he doesn't want me to examine his love from far away. He wants me to become intimately acquainted with it; to wrap myself in the wondrously minute details of his perfect, abiding love. Such a love I can't escape nor would I want to if I could. May God's love be magnified in your heart today and always.#ordinarygirl1extraordinarygod#godslove#toknowandbeknown#godsunconditionallove


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