
It has been almost a year since I have made a post.

There are seasons in my life where words seem to flow like water from a living brook and other times my thoughts go through an incubation period of quietness as the other aspects of my life experience growth.

In this new year I hope to blog more.

Yeah, yeah I know I said that last year but this year I believe I will be able to follow through on that desire. 😊

Every year I ask God to show me the word He wants me to carry with me throughout the year.

This year He brought me my word amid quiet contemplation after a very hard moment.


I was struggling with feeling less than, pathetic, of little value and there in the middle of it Jesus said “Enough” but He wasn’t telling me to stop thinking those things in an angry tone of disapproval. It felt like He wrapped His arms around me in that one word and just poured out His love over me.

Oh how my soul needed that hug from Him!!

To this moment it brings tears to my eyes to think that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, looks at me and says I am enough.

How can He look at me and say that? What have I done to deserve such love?

Nothing. And that is the astounding, incomprehensible and stunning thing about it all.

He did all for me when I was yet not enough because He longed to robe me in robes of righteousness that made me more than enough even when I didn’t deserve or earn that beautiful, wonderful gift of absolute love. His desire to have a relationship with me, drove Him to the cross, so I could be taken to the Holy of Holies, the very throne room of God and be presented as His equal – His beloved - His bride.

To be enough in anyone’s eyes is a gift I cherish whenever I have the blessing of being in such a sacred space of security and love in a relationship but to know…really KNOW I am always enough in Jesus’ eyes; unconditionally, based off nothing I was, nor anything I could ever be, just on His saving blood alone, is more than my heart or mind can fathom.

There is so much peace in knowing that truth! It means that no matter how I feel or how I fail, I will always be enough and never fall out of His grace or love. He was and is more than enough therefore I am enough even in my weakest moments.

This year I look forward to all the ways Jesus is going to teach me just how much I am enough in His eyes and how to rest in that fully, without doubt.

Somehow, I know it is going to involve a lot of feeling less than from others but what better way to really know if I believe what I believe than to have to rely on simply knowing I am enough because He made me enough?

This year I declare that because of the Lord’s mercies, His saving blood and His grace toward me, I am enough and more than a conqueror through Him.

P.S. If you enjoy reading my blog, please consider subscribing. :) I post on Sunday, sometimes Thursdays (sometimes less). No matter what, I hope you are blessed by the content!

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Go be SON-shine!


Therefore Choose Life