
Last week during our BOSS Bible Study, we were talking about children and their importance. Such conversations lead my heart to questions like,

Why are the hearts and minds of children so highly valued by good and evil alike?

That’s when it hit me. The battle for my children (and all children) is because they are tomorrow’s leaders and the future’s promise of untapped potential. Whoever has them has the power to shape the next generations and course of history.

The Bible says

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
— Psalms 127:4-5

If my children are not in my quiver whose quiver are they in? If they aren’t prepared to be God’s arrows then they are Satan’s. There is no middle ground.

It is my responsibility as a parent to purposefully and carefully prepare my children to be arrows in the hand of Almighty God. And if I do that, when the time comes for them to be placed upon His bow, they will have been crafted to succeed. Their final trajectory will ultimately be left up to their will and choices but I can be assured if I have given them into the hands of their Faithful Creator, He will aim them straight and true if they let Him.

What will you do with your arrows?

Who are you crafting them to be, Satan’s fiery darts, or God’s weapons?

If you have arrows in your quiver, you hold in your hands the opportunity, potential and power to prepare today’s arrows for tomorrows targets. Let’s prepare them for God’s bow and quiver!


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