Where Jesus Walked



That is how I was feeling as I gazed at a map on our wall titled “Where Jesus Walked”.

As I was researching ways to grow BOLD Living I was overwhelmed by the sheer flood of information on how, who, what, where, and everything else in between, one should do to launch a successful blog/website/ministry.

Hence my frustrated glare at the map, which then led me to a profound thought.

  • Jesus didn’t have social media, but He has millions of followers around the world.

  • He never globe trotted the planet on speaking tours, but His voice has echoed throughout history.

  • He didn’t have a pedigree, but He is worshiped as the King of Kings.

In short, where Jesus walked was a tiny blip on a physical map and the life He lived non-descript by any standard, but how He lived left a legacy that continues to affect the entire world.

I learned something in that moment. What God has called my mom and I to do is not about algorithms, content, charisma, money, marketing, speaking, blogging, a team, or even talent. It is about one thing and one thing only, doing the will of God.

My feeling of being overwhelmed melted away. Here I was yet again over thinking things. God wasn’t asking us to dance blind folded on a tight rope. All He wants is for us to seek His will and be willing to do it, whatever that looks like, and then watch as He takes our ordinary lives and creates extraordinary changes in them, and through them.

I don’t know how big of an area God will have us walk but I do know one thing, as we listen and obey, every step will be worth it.


The Call of Freedom


My Father’s Imprint