When There are No Footprints

When you see only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you.
— Excerpt from poem - Footprints in the Sand

As I contemplated those beautifully scripted words of inspiration staring back at me from their framed glory on the wall, I quietly whispered,

“But what about when there are no footprints? What then?”

I thought I was alone. Yet as my words touched the air I heard an immediate gentle whisper and perhaps even a slight chuckle as I heard Jesus say,

“Oh that just means I either walked you across the water or raised you up on wings as an eagle.”

It was not a negotiable idea I heard; it was truth Himself speaking.  My heart skipped a beat as my momentary question mark of doubt was erased and replaced by the period of immutable reality.

Then I laughed in relief! How silly of me to doubt. Of course the one whose thoughts for me are more than the sands is also the one who calms the winds and waves. There is nothing impossible with Him! If my strength runs out, He will carry me. If He takes me through unknown waters He will walk with me on the water and bring me safely to the other side. If He leads me to the edge of myself it is so I will leap into the wind current of faith and ascend higher and further then I could ever go on my own.

Oh what a wonderful revelation that all was and as I sit here sharing it with you I feel that same inexplicable joy rising in me all over again! It is beyond comforting to know that my Savior and Shepherd will always be with me. As that cute song goes “Ain’t no mountain high ain’t no valley that can keep me from getting to you” and how very accurate that is when it comes to Jesus.

Now it’s your turn to reflect.

What about your life? Have you ever felt like Jesus has abandoned you? Have you ever reviewed your life, slowly scanning every line and wondered why you don’t see any footprints in certain places?

There are times when it can very much seem that He has forgotten you and straight up deserted you in others, but before you believe those lies to be truth I want you to ask yourself a few questions first.

What if those were times you didn’t need held?

What if those were times God wanted you to know what it was like to leap and soar upon the powerful winds of the Holy Spirit lifting you up on wings like an eagle?

What if He wanted you to experience what it is like to walk hand in hand with Him on the waves of your circumstance and with each step see the spoken words of truth settle the roaring, foaming waves in peace?

Perhaps if you consider those times from a different perspective you will see that truly, you have never been forsaken. Indeed Jesus was forsaken once for all at the cross so that no one, unless they choose that fate, will never ever have to know the sorrow of being separated from the love of God.

So friend, when you see no footprints take comfort! Those are the moments God was doing great things in you and through you. I know, because the last three years of my life are a testament to that truth.


Made For Love


This One’s for the Moms