The 3rd Verse

Do you feel like the 3rd verse of a hymn? Words written on a page to be skipped, that seem to exist to be overlooked.

There are many times I can feel like the 3rd verse…opportunities, hopes, ideas, desires, are skipping over me like I am a footnote, not an integral line to be read.

But that is one perspective.

When I choose to look at my life from God’s point of view, I am not a forgotten 3rd verse but a fearfully and wonderfully made creation loved beyond measure. I have NOT lost my place nor purpose just because the circumstances of life are not what I thought or hoped! I may feel overlooked and forgotten by God in various seasons of life, but His blessings and grace still abound! I firmly believe all those supposed missed opportunities or closed doors is Him keeping me from life detours and far worse struggles and He uses all those times to grow and mature me for the promises He has given.

You see, God doesn’t write 3rd verses to be omitted and unheard. In the song of life every line (i.e. person) matters and adds a layer of beauty. Sure, we may cut out 3rd verses in church (which I think is silly but that is a post for another day 😊) but God doesn’t do that with people. Every life is given the opportunity to display the Creator; God Almighty Himself.

Think about it, to leave out the 3rd verse is to leave out an important part of the story.

In a hymn for example,

The 1st verse tells of the heart’s need and posture.

The 2nd verse tells of the problem.

The 3rd verse tells of the redemption promise.

The 4th verse sings the culminating praise.

My friend, we can feel like 3rd verses, but that feeling is not an indicator of reality nor does it change our standing, our value, our purpose, or God’s promises over our individual lives! 3rd verse or not, we are too valuable to God be skipped over in the pages of life (no matter how much it gets left out on Sunday mornings 😉). Those 3rd verse words need to be heard; YOU are designed and created to be heard glorifying God and singing His praises in everything you say and do!

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Born to Let Go


The Choice