Pressing Into Pain

Pain can only be overcome by healing and healing is the process of hurting through pain.

It can come in various physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual forms but no matter the type, left untreated it only gets worse, never better.

Honestly, I am the first to admit that when I am in the midst of pain that nothing can assuage or numb, pressing into the very thing causing me so much hurt is the last thing I want to do.

But I’ve also learned stuffing pain is like being a hurt hoarder. In the moment it may feel like I can stash the pain into a corner of my heart and forget it but eventually it piles up until there is no more room. Slapping platitude band aides on pain doesn’t lessen it or bring healing either. Instead all that avoiding just stacks hurt upon hurt causing issues in other areas of my life.

Jesus said He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly but I can say from personal experience that abundant life can’t happen when the thief of unresolved pain is ravenously stealing joy, killing hope, and destroying peace. (John 10:10)

If I want healing then I must be willing to press into the pain. It may sound weird, but walking through pain has taught me more about the depth of Jesus’ love than all the indescribable highs that have come from the pleasure of His company. The lowest lows of my life are where I learned the powerful lesson that pain is what gives greater value to pleasure and healing.

Even now, as I type this, I am in a place of deep emotional pain and yet as I have pressed into the pain I feel the peaceful presence of my Jesus holding me in love’s embrace. Already He has been gently taking my agonizing, aching wound and creating healing.

It has taken some very emotionally difficult circumstances for me to realize it is okay and part of the healing process to acknowledge and feel pain. Even Jesus wept and was broken with heavy grief and pain but He always gave it over to His heavenly Father.

Now I let myself hurt but most importantly, I give that pain into Jesus’ hands where He works everything for my good. It is in that place of surrender to pain that I am in truth, in surrender to His healing touch that makes all things new as only He can do.

It is also in painful places where I become more intimate with the heart of Jesus. I’ve discovered if I want to know His whole heart more fully, then I must be willing to be as acquainted with His sufferings as I am with His victories because each is an intrinsic part of Him. I can’t know one and not the other.

Pain is a part of life and often a journey that takes longer than I would like, but one I know will ultimately bring new life and new growth.

So I press into pain not because I like it, but because I know in its beautifully raw release I will find a greater depth of Jesus’ love.

My friend, pain is inevitable and it is going to hurt whether it is stuffed or given over to Jesus for healing. The choice is yours but I hope you give it to Jesus.

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Joy. Fully.


When God Says Give