Seeds Dreams & Weeds

When growing a plant from seed, the first step is preparing a balanced nutrient rich soil. In the life of a believer God prepares the soil and then presses the seed deep into the warm, moist darkness. Perfect conditions for the seed to germinate. Different seeds germinate different lengths of time. Some pop up within days and some take a week or more but I am learning that if God plants the seed I can trust it will grow.

Sometimes the germination seasons in my life feel more like termination. I know God has planted this dream or that promise in the soil of my heart but the germination process takes soooo long I begin to wonder if the seeds are still viable. Those times become walks of faith for me because my initial reaction is to give up, assuming it wasn’t really a seed planted by God, and start all over. At other times I simply lose interest and neglect watering what seems dead anyway.

Oh but when I am diligent in watering the seeds God has planted in my life a stirring happens deep down in my soul! The constant watering of his word trickles down into the very core of those seeds giving life to the new dreams, promises and hopes. I don't always see green shoots popping up right away as collaborating evidence but that's okay because I know they are taking strong root deep beneath the surface. I feel the change before I even see it happening. It is a change inspires me to expectantly look for that glorious moment when those seeds of goodness and truth finally burst through the surface!

I have also learned that along side the seeds God plants, Satan likes to toss in a few of his own. His weeds of prickly lies and choking condemnation often share the same hallowed ground with God’s seeds of goodness and truth. Their ugly heads rear up just a few days after the beautiful plant breaks through. Thank goodness though that those weeds can be pulled out! But it takes careful thought. You see, they are just snatched them up and no thought is givem to the roots the weeds regrow into even stronger plants. But with careful digging, so as not to damage the good plant, if the time is taken to find the roots before pulling them out, the weeds don’t keep returning.

Are there seeds God has planted in your heart that are taking longer than you thought to germinate? Keep looking for the first leaf of hope poking up through the rich soil because I promise, one day you are going to see it and that little peep of green will turn into a mighty tree that generations to come will rest under. 


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