You Are

This is a poem I wrote seven years ago on 7-30-12. This life lesson is one I will forever be learning but the more I learn the more I am wowed by who my Jesus is and never want to stop learning! If you are a believer may this poem remind you what an awesome, and I do me AWESOME!!!!, Father and Savior you have. If you are not a believer may this poem draw your heart unto Him because all I wrote about Jesus here is everything He is and more.

You Are

You are the Bright Morning Star, eternal I AM, my shield

You are my Refuge, a Strong tower that will never yield

You are The Light of the World, Lahai Roi the One Who Sees

You are The Everlasting God, Alpha, Omega and forever will be

You are The Righteous One, The Life, The Truth, The Way

You are Lamb of God, El-Shaddai, God almighty, Ancient of days 

You are The Deliverer, the orphans Protector the widows might

You are Author of Salvation, Seeker of the lost, the prodigal’s delight

You are The Healer, Shiloh, Comforter, and Mighty One over all

You are The Fortress, Shelter, Solid Rock to everyone who calls

You are Friend, Keeper, and Father to the Fatherless

You are The Merciful Savior and Hope to the hopeless

You are life to the broken, feet to the lame, eyes to the blind

You are Creator, Redeemer, Living Water to all mankind

You are Lord of Lords, Heir of all things, King of Kings

You are Prince of Peace, Jesus to whom I joyfully sing

You are El-Elyon, Emanuel, Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh

You are the God of heaven and earth, worthy of my praise

You are above all things and Living Breath to all things

You are The Anthem of creation’s song that continuously rings

You are Jehovah-Elohim maker of the sun, moon and stars

You are The Designer of the planets near and and far

You are Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider and All Sufficient One

You are Jesus, The Messiah, God’s only begotten Son

You are the King of Justice, love, mercy, and grace

You are Adonai-Jehovah the One I long to worship face to face

You are Jehovah-Sabbaoth and heavens radiant and holy glory

You are my Jehovah-Hoseenu, Creator of my life’s story

You are The Lover of my soul, You captivated me from the start

You are the reason I have eternity written in my heart


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