Living With a Full Cup

I love mixing drink flavors. No, I am not talking about alcohol. ;) I am referring to soda or juice. There are so many different combinations! When I mix and fill my drinks I always make sure to get it to bubble right to the brim. The great thing about mixing drinks is that if I don't like the combo I made, I can always try a different one or I can just pour one flavor in my cup. Either way, I get to choose what I fill my cup with.Life I found is much the same. When I have lived with an empty cup I feel thirsty and unsatisfied. I feel like I have nothing to give because DUH! I don't have anything to give. But when I have lived with a full cup my thirst is quenched and I can focus on enjoying what is before me as well as pouring into others. Sometimes I just forget I can always get more from the fountain that never runs dry.So what causes me to forget I have endless refills?Well I forget I am responsible for the refill. Sometimes I act as if a waitress with a pitcher full of life choices for me is going to come by and re-fill my cup when she sees it is empty. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to have another refill because of an imaginary limit I put on myself. Sometimes I think my glass is too small to make a difference in my life let alone another's so why bother.But here's the thing I am learning.God has never limited the times I can come and refill. He wants me to be hydrated in his love, truth, and grace. He wants me to taste all the flavors of who he is by having me fill up on all the things he has given me to do. His word is where I get the re-fill. It is what fills me up with hope, direction, wisdom, joy, vision, peace, passion and a will to do all for the glory of God. Every time I taste and see that the Lord is good, that is when I can take that delicious mixture and show others how they can fill their own life cup, knowing I can always go back and fill up mine.If your reading this and looking at your life cup and it is bone dry or possibly broken, I know how you feel. But please, don't believe the lie that you have nothing to contribute and you are destined to be a thirsty desert wanderer with a dry or leaky cup. Get up and get your cup filled! If the cup is cracked, it is okay, God knows how to mend the break. But first you have to bring it to him and then let him fill it.I was made to live with a full cup and so are you. This blog is just one flavor in my full cup and right now I am pouring that into your life knowing you will taste how good God. There is plenty more where this came from and it is not exclusive to me. If God has laid on your heart to do a blog, or start a ministry, or to become a fashion consultant then what are you waiting for? Go fill up on that flavor so you can taste and see that the Lord is good and others get a taste of that too! Some of you are like me and want to taste every flavor or mix and match. Others of you just want your favorite drink every time and don't want to try any new one, that's okay, both ways are good and right! God made some of us to be more daring and others of us to be more stable because that is how there is a balance. We need the people whose cups are full of all flavors, the jacks of all trades as the saying goes. And we need the people whose cups are full of one flavor because you guys are the masters of one trade which is equally valuable.So what are you waiting for? Grab your glass and start living with a full cup! 💗


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