"Broken Things Can Become Blessed Things if You Let God Do the Mending"

“Broken things can become blessed things if you let God do the mending”


"Why Self Esteem and Self Love are never enough" By Erin Patton

May this post bless and bring life saving truth to all who read the words written here. ❤

Have you ever tried to talk to yourself and say all sorts of positive affirmations in an attempt to make yourself feel better? Especially after someone has said something mean? How long does your pep talk make you feel better? Probably not very long. In fact, you most likely have to talk to your self A LOT just to try and convince your mind of all the stuff you are hoping it will believe. Welcome to arena of self esteem and self love. It is a very defeating place. You have a better shot at winning a bull ride then you do at making self esteem or self love work. You see, self esteem will never be enough no matter how much positive talk you give yourself. Self love will only leave you feeling more disgusted with yourself. And this lack of never feeling enough and feeling disgusted leads to self loathing.


Because self is never enough and self knows this truth. The longer we look into the mirror the more flaws we see in ourselves. The deeper we dig to find a little box of beauty here or there behind the dark dusty curtains of our past the more discouraged we become. Suddenly the relatively nice and likable person we thought we were is...ugly! And no matter how many times we tell ourselves positive things everyday, self is only deceived for a time. Self love and self esteem are temporary fixes that do not solve the root issue. And what is the root issue? Sin. Self is infected with sin. Vile, putrid, disgusting, abhorrent sin. No matter how much we try and tell ourselves we are something special thru self love and self esteem, all we are doing is putting a pretty bow on our life after we have stepped in the septic tank of sin but the filth and the stench is still there and we know it.

This is why we need salvation. There is an unexplainable powerful difference between trying to pretend we are lovable and likeable thru self esteem and self love and KNOWING we are esteemed and loved because someone chose to see and love us that way long before we ever deserved such grace. God is the only one who made that choice. He is the only one who esteemed us worthy to be saved even though our disobedience is what caused the mess of sin that is so abominable to His holy nature. He is the only one who LOVED us WHILE we were YET sinners and also loved us enough not to leave us in our sin! God's esteem and God's love doesn't overlook sin or cover it up for a time like self esteem and self love do. God's esteem and love removes sin because sin deserves hell but God would that none should perish but have everlasting life. Sin requires a perfect sacrifice but we established above that all of us fall deplorably short of perfection. So God offers salvation from sin thru His perfect son Jesus who God sent to die in our place. Jesus didn't have to die. Jesus could have chose not to but He willingly went and did what no other has ever or would ever have endured so that we might have everlasting life if only we believe. Because Jesus was perfect His death paid for ALL sin. Hell had no accusations by which to hold him captive. So Jesus snatched away the power of hell and rose victorious over the sting of sin and death! He now holds the keys to life and death. When we believe on Jesus and His sacrifice as the only atonement and only way by which we can be saved He covers us in righteousness and eternal life is ours. No longer are we a revolting person, worthy of hell, to a holy God but we now are covered in that same holiness! A holiness that removes the filthy rags of sin and drapes us in rich robes of righteousness.

My friend, are you tired of trying to self esteem and self love yourself into heaven? It won't work. It won't change the truth of who you are without Christ. Salvation will be forever be out of reach if you choose that route. So choose now while there is still breath within you for you are not promised time, to accept the Lord. He alone is able to save.

To those who are saved, today and every day, when you look in the mirror remind yourself of these truths:

You are loved.You are enough.You are whole.You are pure.You are strong.


God is love.

He is enough.

He is whole.

He is pure.

He is strong.


Attitude Reflects Leadership


Job 1:21