"No One Has Ever Become Poor by Giving"

“No on has ever become poor by giving” -The diary of Anne Frank

This post is from an outpouring of thoughts that I have been thinking on for awhile and I hope it blesses you. :) It is something I have been learning to do myself and I am encouraging you all do grow and/or continue to grow in because it is so important!

Why do most of us love to give and yet resist receiving? Is it shame because we feel we should have it all together? Is it embarrassment because we think people will think of us as a lazy leech who thrives off the welfare of others? Is it because we feel like accepting help is a sign of failure on our part? Whatever your reason, the root of all those miss guided thoughts is pride. Selfish, pride disguised as martyrdom. A pride so subtle we think we are doing others a favor by meekly declining their generous offers of help and then heroically struggling forward in the exhausting battle of dragging all the weight ourselves. A pride that deceives us into thinking we are over comers instead of the isolated miserably overloaded people we are. A pride that cheats the givers and you out of receiving that special touch from God that comes thru the wonderful exchange of giving. It is blessed to give AND receive. When we choose to decline a person's offer of help, especially when we so desperately need it, we are not only depriving them from their blessing but ourselves as well from being blessed by God thru another human. So next time a person reaches out because they see you truly need help or just want to offer a hand up, let them! Next time YOU SEE you need help, ASK!! Swallow your pride. Smile! Say "Thank you!". Accept. Receive. Be THANKFUL! Let the love of God flow thru the generous giving of yourself to others and others to you.

To all who have reached out to me and offered your hand of help I say THANK YOU!! And when I say I will take you up on your offer when I need it, please know I truly mean it


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