Hello 2023
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: …a time to heal; … a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; … ”
For most of my life, there is a bubbling rush of anticipation with the ringing in of a new year. Hope and joy are the usual overtones of New Year’s wishes and resolutions and for a time that energy keeps my spirit high before I inevitably find myself back in the daily grind.
But this year feels different for me and perhaps there are some of you who feel the same nudge of the Holy Spirit.
This year I sense God calling me not to run into the New Year but to step into it with quiet reverence and then pause. Perhaps that is because the word He gave me for this year is healing and healing requires pausing: being at rest, usually in a quiet setting.
Winter is a season of hibernation. A time of rest where nature and much of the world lays in kind of stilled hush and this New Years it dawned on me on how fascinating it is that we celebrate our new beginnings during a season of solace and restoration.
Hmm, I know God wanted me to see that perspective. I needed to know I have permission to sit at Jesus’ feet at the beginning of this year before heading off to new adventures and a season of speaking (i.e. action) and you do to. It is not only okay, but Biblical to pause and heal. I admit, healing has been an often overlooked and under rated step forward in my life because it isn’t always comfortable. It requires me to be still and know that He is God, and I am not and face my limitations in a world whose motto is “you can always do more”.
2023 is the year this wrong narrative is exchanged for the truth.
The truth is, a time to heal mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally (all or some depending on the need) is as important as a time to battle through life, fighting the good fight. I can’t fight well if I am bleeding and broken. I can’t concentrate if I am tired and overtaxed. I can’t do or be what God calls me to do/be if I haven’t stopped long enough to hear Him speak.
So, hello there 2023. I’m glad to see you but don’t be surprised to find me sitting at Jesus’ feet. This is the year I am going to get comfortable with being a Mary in a Martha world for however long it takes for God to heal the parts of me I have invited Him in to heal.
If this is you, you’re not alone! If this isn’t you, that’s okay too. 😊 To everything there is a season and each one is special and unique. For believers, there should be no competition, just a cheering on of one another and an understanding that no matter what, God’s got each one of us in His hands and He is going to guide us through whatever season we are in.
God’s blessing be upon you and I wish you a very Happy New Year!
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