Tied Elephant
Elephants out weigh by literal tons most of the wild creatures they roam with and yet there are some elephants who have been trained to stay tied to a wood stake by a thread of a rope. These, powerful animals could snap both with one tug but they don’t. What keeps these animals from pushing their weight around (literally!) and breaking free? These magnificent creatures have been trained to give up; to believe they are less powerful than they are. They conditioned with a chain attached to a pole deeply in bedded in the ground. A pole and chain they can’t budge or break no matter how hard they tug and pull. When their mindset is broken the chain is replaced by a stick and string and the once mighty and confident Elephant is a captive in it’s own mind.
There are many times in my life I have been like those tied Elephants. I let lies I had power to walk away from keep me tied in fear or despair or worst of all, because I truly believed the lie was truth. The Bible says believers are more than conquerors, a royal priesthood, seated at the right hand of Christ, righteous, holy, beloved, redeemed, forgiven, loved and so much more so why do I let myself be tied to lies? Why do I let myself be told I am less than when the Bible clearly says otherwise?
It is because I have temporarily forgotten who I am in Christ. I have allowed subtle lies to undermine solid truth. I have allowed Satan to tell me I deserve to be tied up when the Bible says God desires the bands of wickedness by loosed. I have chosen to be in bondage to a lie rather than letting the truth set me free.
God has shown me the solution to taking back my freedom is simple. I have to be willing to exchange any stinking thinking for His faithful promises. I have to walk away from the lie(s) and toward the truth. That’s it! I am no more in bondage to the things Satan accuses that I am than an Elephant is held captive by a piece of twine tied to a wood peg. The problem simply lies in both our thinking and perceptions.
When I have chosen to reject the lies Satan tries to keep me in bondage to, freedom I have been given in Christ Jesus is always one step away! Satan may still snare me here and there but I believe his ability to do so will weaken every time I choose the freedom Christ has given me over being a tied Elephant.
Have you been a tied Elephant?
Have you allowed yourself to be chained to a deeply entrenched lie that conditioned you to believe all the lies that followed?
Have you allowed yourself to believe the lie that you are chained to addictions, mistakes or flaws?
Have you allowed yourself to believe you can’t be set free?
I hope you know that doesn’t have to be your fate! Bondage and chains is NOT what Jesus came to give!! He came that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). He would that none should perish but all would come to eternal life and be set free.
Will you let Jesus loose the bands of wickedness that have you chained to darkness?
Are you ready to let Him undo the heavy burdens you are dragging around?
Have you decided you are done being oppressed and depressed by the lies of Satan?
Is freedom from the yoke of bondage your heart’s desire?
If not, I hope you realize that no one, not even God can keep you from being a tied Elephant if that is what you choose. You have to decide you want to believe and be set free and when you are, just know I am here to encourage, pray with, listen and disciple you. :)
“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?”
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”